Below are examples of compensation claims that can be made during and after the construction of the A6 to Manchester Airport Relief Road.
Information about situations in which you may be able to receive help in the form of physical actions to reduce the impact on your property of nuisances (such as noise) caused by public works is provided on the Government website.
Information about compensation when a road affects your property’s value is provided on the Government website.
To claim, you must have been the owner of the property before the date the road first came in to public use (known as the ‘relevant date’). You must also still be the owner on the date you claim.
For the purposes of making a claim under the Act, you’re the owner of the property if you hold either the freehold or a lease that has at least three years left to run at the date you claim.
The first day for claiming compensation is a year and a day after the new or altered highway first came into public use (known as the ‘first claim day’).
There are several relevant dates related to the A6MARR:
- Part 1 claims relevant dates map – sheet 1 of 4 (PDF 333Kb)
- Part 1 claims relevant dates map – sheet 2 of 4 (PDF 2Mb)
- Part 1 claims relevant dates map – sheet 3 of 4 (PDF 362Kb)
- Part 1 claims relevant dates map – sheet 4 of 4 (PDF 395Kb)
- Part 1 claims relevant dates schedule (PDF 420Kb)
The right of businesses to compensation in the event of loss of trade due to road works is explained in the House of Commons Library’s Standard Note: SN/BT/200 Roads: compensation for loss of business from road works.
Make a claim for compensation
Find information about how you can make a claim for compensation.
Any potential claimant may wish to take professional advice in consideration of making a claim.
Consultation with landowners directly affected by the Scheme has commenced and is on-going. For those affected, advice on the compulsory land purchase and related compensation process can be viewed on the Communities and Local Government website.
The Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors also provides advice on the process through the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors website.
Anyone concerned about the direct impact of the Scheme on their land interests can also contact the project team for more information.
Council Tax and Business Rates advice
The impact of works connected with construction of the A6 to Manchester Airport Relief Road Scheme is not grounds for appeal against your Council Tax valuation band unless you believe the construction of the road may bring about a material reduction in the value of your property because there will be a change to the physical state of the local area.
A Business Rates ratepayer can appeal against their Rateable Value if there has been a physical change in the local area, for example: road works.
Any appeals must be made direct to the Valuation Office Agency and not your local council.
Note: making an appeal does not allow you to withhold payment of Council Tax or Business Rates owing in the meantime.