Phase 2 Consultation 3 June - 19 July 2013
The second phase of consultation for the A6 to Manchester Airport Relief Road scheme ran from 3rd June until 19th July 2013.
The purpose of this phase of consultation was to provide feedback from the Phase 1 consultation, which took place between 22nd October 2012 and 25th January 2013, and seek comments on the emerging preferred scheme.
More detailed information about the scheme was provided as part of the Phase 2 consultation. This information can be found below and by clicking on the navigation buttons on the left hand side of the page.
The feedback from the Phase 2 consultation was considered by Stockport, Cheshire East and Manchester City councils in developing the preferred scheme. The information provided for the Phase 2 consultation was updated for planning application for the preferred scheme and submitted in November 2013.
During the Phase 1 consultation we asked for your views on the overall scheme, general comments about the scheme and more specific comments on different junction options along the proposed route.
The feedback we received in the Phase 1 consultation has been considered by Stockport, Cheshire East and Manchester City Councils to enable the emerging preferred scheme to be developed.
We have produced a Phase 2 Consultation Leaflet (PDF 1.13Mb) that provides some feedback from the Phase 1 consultation and summary information on the emerging preferred scheme.
These pages provide more detailed information about the emerging preferred scheme including:
- A Phase 2 Consultation Summary Document (PDF 3.01Mb) providing an extended summary of the key issues relating to the emerging preferred scheme including feedback from the Phase 1 consultation, details of the emerging preferred scheme and potential traffic, noise, environmental and construction impacts of the scheme.
- Details of the emerging preferred scheme design showing how the scheme has changed since Phase 1 consultation, the proposals for Public Rights of Way and landscape and ecology mitigation drawings;
- How the emerging preferred scheme could affect the local area including changes to noise, traffic and complementary and mitigation measures to address changes to traffic flows;
- Photomontages showing how the emerging preferred scheme might look from points along the length of the route;
- More details of the potential construction impact of the scheme and how we will minimise this impact through a Code of Constructon Practice.