How the Emerging Preferred Scheme Could Affect the Local Area
The A6 to Manchester Airport Relief Road Phase 2 Consultation Summary Document (PDF 3.01Mb) provides further information about key issues relating to the scheme.
On this page you will find a range of supporting information, relating to the Phase 2 Consultation Summary Document, which will provide you with more detailed information about how the emerging preferred scheme could affect your area.
Traffic Flows
The introduction of the proposed scheme will result in changes to traffic flows patterns in and around the south east Greater Manchester area, with some traffic that currently uses local roads transferring onto the new Relief Road.
We have carried out traffic modelling of the scheme proposals to predict changes in daily traffic flows on an average day in 2017 (scheme opening year). The traffic flows plan (PDF 1.83Mb) shows traffic flows for 2009 at each location and shows the predicted traffic flows for the year 2017 without and with the Relief Road in place.
For each location the plan highlights where 2017 traffic flow is predicted to change up or down by more than 5% daily variation with the Relief Road in place when compared to the 2017 scenario without the Relief Road in place.
- Year 2009 [yellow] this shows modelled traffic flows in this base year incorporating extensive traffic survey information collated across the study area.
- Year 2017 [green] without the Relief Road in place – this includes committed transport schemes and predicted background traffic growth and traffic from committed developments across the area.
- Year 2017 [blue] with the Relief Road in place – the proposed year of road opening and including implementation of a minor works package of emerging preferred mitigation measures.
Complementary and Mitigation Measures to Address Changes to Traffic Flows
The Relief Road will reduce congestion on some local roads in the surrounding areas, however, it is recognised that some areas will see some increases in traffic.
A package of measures, known as Complementary and Mitigation Measures, is being proposed to address these changes to traffic flows. Where there are predicted to be reductions in traffic flow, Complementary Measures will include schemes to encourage walking and cycling and support local centres.
Mitigation Measures will seek to address the impact of the scheme on local communities where there are predicted to be increases in traffic flow and junction delay.
These schemes will be site specific, route or centre based and could include:
- The provision of new cycleways and footpaths to link the existing network to the new, segregated cycleway forming part of the core scheme;
- Enhancement of existing networks for cyclists, pedestrians and horse riders;
- Priority schemes for public transport;
- Public realm improvements;
- Modest traffic management proposals, such as traffic calming on residential routes; and
- Junction remodelling to optimise the operational capability of existing junctions, where required.
Based on the latest traffic modelling information a number of areas have been identified for Complementary and Mitigation Measures.
These are shown in the Complementary and Mitigation Measures plan (PDF 1.98MB).
The current noise assessment has identified that noise will increase along the route of the scheme, although there will be some areas that will experience a reduction in road traffic noise where traffic will be diverted from local roads.
The drawings (below) show the anticipated background noise contours in 2017, the predicted year of road opening, from road traffic with the scheme in place.
The contours have been overlain with coloured dots showing the modelled change in traffic noise with the scheme in place. This shows that in the year of opening, 2017, properties adjacent to the new road are predicted to experience an increase in traffic noise of 1-3 dB.
At locations where we have identified a significant increase in noise levels we will introduce a range of noise mitigation measures, including low noise surfacing, earth bunds and noise fencing, to minimise the forecasted impact to the properties which would be most affected.
- Emerging Preferred Scheme 2017 Forecast Noise Levels – Plan 1 (PDF 5.03Mb)
- Emerging Preferred Scheme 2017 Forecast Noise Levels – Plan 2 (PDF 6.71Mb)
- Emerging Preferred Scheme 2017 Forecast Noise Levels – Plan 3 (PDF 5.96Mb)
- Emerging Preferred Scheme 2017 Forecast Noise Levels – Plan 4 (PDF 4.83Mb)
- Emerging Preferred Scheme 2017 Forecast Noise Levels – Plan 5 (PDF 2.64Mb)
Air Quality
The current air quality assessments are focused on concentrations of two principal pollutants, being nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and particulate matter (PM10).
These assessments have demonstrated that whilst there will be predicted increases in concentrations along the new road, especially at the junctions, the predicted air quality levels are generally forecast to be below the concentrations stated in the UK air quality standards.
These standards represent thresholds which are adopted as an indicator relative to the risk to human health; they are not a trigger level above which there is a definitive risk to human health.
The predicted changes in traffic flows on surrounding existing roads will result in some increases and reductions in concentrations.
The air quality plans show the anticipated nitrogen dioxide (NO2) in 2017 (the year of the scheme’s opening) with the scheme in place in micro grams per cubic metres.