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Aerial Photos of the A6MARR Works

In June 2016, aerial photographs were taken showing the progress of the A6 to Manchester Airport Relief Road construction works.

Completion of A6MARR Great Crested Newt Mitigation

Carillion Morgan Sindall has now successfully completed the great crested newts (GCN) mitigation for the A6 to Manchester Airport Relief Road which has seen over 1,800 GCN trapped within the route corridor and relocated to receptor habitats. As a European Protect...

Open Doors Events 17th and 18th June 2016

Carillion Morgan Sindall (CMS) in conjunction with Open Doors is inviting the local community to visit us at our A6 to Manchester Airport Relief Road (A6MARR) site to explore the hub of a major construction project.

Protecting the environment during the works

Minimising and mitigating the environmental impact of the A6 to Manchester Airport Relief Road is a priority during the works. As part of the scheme, we are creating and implementing environmental mitigation measures on site.

Upcoming construction activity

For the latest information about upcoming A6MARR construction activity in your area, please visit the Local Area Update pages.

Recent images

View the latest photos from SEMMMS projects.

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