Latest News
Styal Road, Manchester: Temporary traffic lights from 11 September for 10 weeks
From Monday 11 September for a period of 10 weeks, 24 hour, 2-way temporary traffic lights will be in operation on Styal Road.
Stanley Road, Cheadle: One-Way System in Operation from 29th August for Six Weeks
As part of the next stage of works in the area, from 29th August for a period of six weeks, Stanley Road will operate as one-way (westbound) from the A34 roundabout to immediately east of the Earl Road junction.
Have your say on proposed improvements in Heald Green and Bramhall
Residents and businesses in Heald Green and Bramhall are being invited to have their say on the proposed improvements in both areas.
Community Update Exhibitions
Over the next two weeks the A6 to Manchester Airport Relief Road Project Team is holding a series of community exhibitions to keep you informed about the works. The exhibitions are being held: Date Time Location Monday 26th June 2017 2pm to 8pm Hazel Grove Civic Hall,...
Opening of New A555/ Woodford Road, Bramhall Junction
On 3rd May 2017, Carillion Morgan Sindall will be transferring traffic on to the new slip roads and bridge at the junction of the A555/Woodford Road, Bramhall.
Changes along A6, Hazel Grove
The first section of the new A6 to Manchester Airport Relief Road will open to traffic in the week following Easter. Located in Hazel Grove between Yew Tree Avenue and Norbury Hollow Road, the new section of road will help ensure that traffic can continue to travel...
Upcoming construction activity
For the latest information about upcoming A6MARR construction activity in your area, please visit the Local Area Update pages.
Recent images
View the latest photos from SEMMMS projects.