Noise Insulation Regulations
The Highway Authority’s obligations
The Noise Insulation Regulations 1975 provide that the Highway Authority must offer insulation or provide grants in respect of a new road being constructed if a property satisfies the following requirements:
- the property must be residential
- the property must be within 300m of a carriageway forming part of the scheme
- the property must have been occupied before the new road was first opened to the public
- the property must not be subject to compulsory purchase, closing, demolition or clearance orders
- the noise level at one or more of the facades of the property must be at least 68 dB (A) L10 (18-hour). Calculated values of 67.5 dB(A) are rounded up to 68 dB(A)
- the noise caused by traffic using the new road must contribute at least 1dB(A) to the noise level measured above
- the noise level must be at least 1dB(A) more than the noise level before the highway works started
Noise Assessment Report
The Highway Authority has undertaken a noise assessment (PDF 948Kb) . The report details the assessment and identifies dwellings which potentially qualify for noise insulation.
The report is available for public inspection from 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday:
Stockport Council
Fred Perry House
Edward Street
Appointments can be made by calling 0161 474 2055 or email:
We’ll be contacting the occupiers or landlords of qualifying buildings with a formal offer.
Appeals procedure
If you believe your property should be included within the list of qualifying buildings, you are entitled to ask us to review our decision. Any such appeal must be made by you by 15 October 2019. We’ll review your submission and the noise calculations and respond to you in writing, either by making an offer or setting out our reasons for refusal.