Planning Approval
The planning application of the preferred scheme was submitted on 1st November 2013 to the Local Planning Authorities of Stockport Council, Cheshire East Council and Manchester City Council.
The Local Planning Authorities undertook a public consultation. Any comments in relation to the application were considered by the relevant Local Planning Authority in determining the application and the associated Decision Notice and planning conditions.
The A6 to Manchester Airport Relief Road was taken to the following Planning Committee’s in each local authority:
Stockport Council
- Planning and Highways committee – Wednesday 22 January 2014
- Recommendation of approval
Cheshire East Council
- Planning committee – Tuesday 18th March
- Recommendation of approval
Manchester City Council
- Planning and Highways committee – 13th February 2014
- Recommendation of approval
The three Local Planning Authorities referred the planning application for the A6 to Manchester Airport Relief Road to the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government (“The Secretary of State”) .
Following careful consideration the Secretary of State decided not to call the scheme in for a Public Inquiry, confirming the decisions of the three Local Planning Authorities to grant the scheme planning permission. The Decision Notices from the three Local Planning Authorities were subsequently issued:
- Cheshire East Council Local Planning Authority – Decision Notice, 25 June 2014 (PDF 91.8Kb)
- Manchester City Council Local Planning Authority – Decision Notice, 2 July 2014 (PDF 143 Kb)
- Stockport Council Local Planning Authority – Decision Notice, 25 June 2014 (PDF 1.52Mb)
To view the plans submitted as part of the planning application please visit the A6 to Manchester Airport Relief Road Planning Applications website.