SEMMMS Strategy
South East Manchester Multi-Modal (SEMMM) Strategy Refresh
The South East Manchester Multi-Modal (SEMMM) Strategy was originally produced and adopted in 2001. A number of interventions have been delivered over the past 15 years which were first brought forward through that Strategy, including the Alderley Edge Bypass and the A6 Manchester Airport Relief Road which opened in October 2018. Enhancement works in Poynton Town Centre, and the A6 Quality Bus Corridor were also developed from the original SEMMM Strategy.
Stockport Council and Cheshire East Council are currently undertaking a refresh of the SEMMM Strategy.
A draft SEMMM Strategy document and Key Messages Summary document were made available for public consultation for 8 weeks during summer 2018. Many thanks to everyone who gave us their views on the proposals, either in writing or by attending any of the drop-in events.
We have reviewed all the information submitted to the consultation and this has been summarised in the consultation report.
The completion of the SEMMM Strategy refresh has been on hold whilst we awaited updated information on the Cheshire East Local Transport Plan (LTP) and the release of the revised draft GMSF which sets out development proposals for Greater Manchester to 2037. The close planning of development and transport priorities is crucial, and so it was deemed necessary to pause the SEMMM Strategy refresh to ensure we could take account of these important local policies.
Following the publication of the revised draft GMSF, and progress on the Cheshire East LTP, work to finalise the SEMMM Strategy has now recommenced.
A final version of the SEMMM Strategy will be published, subject to its adoption by both Stockport and Cheshire East Councils, via this website in summer 2019.
If you have any further questions about the refresh of the SEMMMS strategy that is taking place, please email our team on either of the addresses below:
SEMMM Strategy 2001
The original strategy document can still be viewed here (PDF 13MB).