Mitigation and Complementary Measures
The A6 to Manchester Airport Relief Road (A6MARR) will generally reduce traffic flow and congestion on local roads in the surrounding areas, however it is recognised that some roads will see an increase in traffic. A package of measures is being proposed to manage these changes to traffic flows.
Where there are predicted to be reductions in traffic flow, Complementary Measures will include schemes to lock in these changes, encourage walking and cycling and support district and local centres.
Mitigation Measures will seek to address the impact of the scheme on local communities where there are predicted to be increases in traffic flow and junction delay, but may also encourage the use of alternative forms of transport including schemes to encourage walking and cycling, and schemes to support local centres.
Measures will be site specific, route or centre based and could include:
- The provision of new cycleways and footpaths to link the existing network to the new, segregated cycleway forming part of the core scheme;
- Enhancement of existing networks for cyclists, pedestrians and horse riders;
- Priority schemes for public transport;
- Public realm improvements;
- Traffic management proposals, such as traffic calming on residential routes; and
- Junction remodelling to optimise the operational capability of existing junctions, where required.
Based on the latest traffic modelling information, a number of areas have been identified for Complementary and Mitigation Measures.
The proposed Complementary and Mitigation Measures form part of Transport Assessment for the scheme that was submitted as part of the planning application. For details of how to access the planning application, please visit the A6MARR website.
Stockport, Cheshire East and Manchester City councils are developing the measures in their area and will be consulting local communities on the proposals.
Complementary and Mitigation Measures – Stockport Council
The introduction of the A6 to Manchester Airport Relief Road (A6MARR) will result in changes to traffic flows in and around the south east Greater Manchester area, with some traffic that currently uses local roads transferring onto the new road.
Traffic modelling of the scheme proposals has been undertaken to predict changes in daily traffic flows on an average day in 2017 (scheme opening year), as detailed within the Transport Assessment which was submitted as part of the planning application for the scheme.
The Transport Assessment also recommends a series of mitigation measures to manage the increase in traffic and improve facilities for pedestrians and cyclists, which have been considered in the development of the package of mitigation measures proposed.
To view the Transport Assessment and other documentation submitted as part of the planning application please visit the A6MARR website.
Stockport Council has developed and consulted on a package of measures for:
- the High Lane area and the A6 corridor between High Lane and Hazel Grove (Mitigation);
- Gillbent Road, Cheadle Hulme (Mitigation);
- Finney Lane, Heald Green (Complementary);
- Bramhall Centre (Complementary);and
- Hazel Grove (Complementary).
If you have any questions about any of the proposals please contact us via email at or phone on 0161 474 2299.